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Maui Wildfire Death Toll Reaches 96

Written by on August 14, 2023

Authorities in the U.S. state of Hawaii say the number of confirmed dead from a wildfire on the island of Maui reached 96.

Maui County said late Sunday multiple fire crews are working to address any remaining flare-ups in the fire that began August 8. The fire, which devastated the Lahaina area, was estimated to have burned more than 850 hectares.


Survivors and churchgoers sing during a Sunday church service held by Pastor Brown of Lahaina's Grace Baptist Church, at Maui Coffee Attic in Wailuku, central Maui, Hawaii on August 13, 2023.
Survivors and churchgoers sing during a Sunday church service held by Pastor Brown of Lahaina’s Grace Baptist Church, at Maui Coffee Attic in Wailuku, central Maui, Hawaii on August 13, 2023.

Hawaii Governor Josh Green said the death toll was expected the rise as search crews, including a federal urban search and rescue team, reached more parts of the community.


A 'Tourist Keep Out' sign is displayed in a neighborhood, Aug. 13, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii.
A ‘Tourist Keep Out’ sign is displayed in a neighborhood, Aug. 13, 2023, in Lahaina, Hawaii.

Green said the fire destroyed more than 2,700 structures in Lahaina.

The Pacific Disaster Center and Maui County Emergency Management Agency estimated 4,500 people were in need of shelter and that the estimated cost of rebuilding from the fire was more than $5.5 billion.

Some information for this story came from The Associated Press.

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